Sunday, January 23, 2011

Issue 41 commentary

Golo likes this issue because it's not often in college stories that you get to see the characters moving out of the dorms. I would've gone the direction of seeing how things have changed at home for Jimmy in the past year, but we just saw his parents in issue 39. I figure we can wait a little while before we see Jimmy's siblings again--you know, until I actually have an idea or two for a story with them.

Things I like about this issue:

1. I got to use a Lisa Frank poster. I almost went with the hip-hop bears but decided they weren't as immediately obvious as Lisa Frank characters.

2. Circumcision jokes--as if Jimmy hasn't had enough cut off of him.

3. Don Ruffin. Don is one of those characters that, once he's down on the page, I just know he'll be back someday. Think if you paired him up with Steve! Steve thinks you're inferior if you don't know the music he knows; Don gets really let down if you haven't seen "Bad Taste". Also, check out the movie on Don's shirt. It will make you question your faith in humanity.

Also, here's an alternate page for when Diana's dad is driving the car. Don't get the joke? Look it up, wieners!

Issue 42 in a couple of weeks, guys.

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